# chaoszone.cz The source files for the <https://chaoszone.cz> website. ## Dependencies This site is built using [Hakyll](https://jaspervdj.be/hakyll). To be able to build and run this, you need to install the following: * ghc * cabal-install * alex * happy * zlib1g-dev ## New post To write new posts just invoke `newpost.sh`. This will guide you through the process. After you have written and saved the new post, add the post (you can find it in `site/posts/`) to the repo, commit and push it. ## Build and deploy ### NixOS After cloning the repo and changing into the repo directory, you can invoke ```bash nix-shell shell.nix ``` to build a shell with all dependencies in it. After that, you invoke ```bash cabal new-run -- chaoszone build && cabal new-run -- chaoszone deploy ``` to build the static sites and eploy them in one step. ### Other \*nix After cloning the repo, you change into the directory and invoke ``` cabal new-update ``` to initialize your cabal package repository list. After that you can run ```bash cabal new-run -- chaoszone build && cabal new-run -- chaoszone deploy ``` to build the static sites and eploy them in one step. ## Altering building process For altering the building process, you may edit the `src/Main.hs` file. To actually see your results, contact me at <nek0@nek0.eu> so I can rebuild the executable for the static site generator.