import itertools import os import re from enum import Enum from pprint import pprint from urllib.parse import urlparse import json import pandas as pd import spotipy from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth from config import * class MusicSource(Enum): SPOTIFY = 'spotify' YOUTUBE = 'youtube' SOUNDCLOUD = 'soundcloud' BANDCAMP = 'bandcamp' OTHER = 'other' os.environ['SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID'] = SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID os.environ['SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET'] = SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET SERVICES = { '': MusicSource.SPOTIFY, '': MusicSource.YOUTUBE, '': MusicSource.YOUTUBE, '': MusicSource.SOUNDCLOUD, '': MusicSource.SOUNDCLOUD, '': MusicSource.SOUNDCLOUD, '': MusicSource.SOUNDCLOUD } class Link: def __init__(self, link, reply_to_message_id): = link self.reply_to_message_id = reply_to_message_id self._source = None def __str__(self): return f"Source: {self.source()}, Link: {}, Reply to Message ID: {self.reply_to_message_id}" def __repr__(self): return f"Link(link={repr(}, reply_to_message_id={repr(self.reply_to_message_id)})" def source(self): if self._source is None: o = urlparse( if re.match(r'([A-Za-z0-9\-]*\.)?', o.hostname): self._source = MusicSource.BANDCAMP else: self._source = SERVICES.get(o.hostname, MusicSource.OTHER) return self._source @staticmethod def filter_links(links, music_source=None, reply_to_message_id=None): filtered_links = links if music_source is not None: filtered_links = [link for link in filtered_links if link.source() == music_source] if reply_to_message_id is not None: filtered_links = [link for link in filtered_links if link.reply_to_message_id == reply_to_message_id] return filtered_links def _split_seq(iterable, size): it = iter(iterable) item = list(itertools.islice(it, size)) while item: yield item item = list(itertools.islice(it, size)) def print_filtered_messages(filtered_messages): # Print the filtered messages for message in filtered_messages: reply_to_message_id = message["reply_to_message_id"] link = message["link"] print("Reply to Message ID:", reply_to_message_id) print("Link:", link) print() print(len(filtered_messages)) def extract_all_links(file_path): # Load the JSON file with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: data = json.load(file) # Filter messages of type "message" and extract relevant information filtered_messages = [] for message in data["messages"]: if message["type"] == "message": text_entries = message.get("text", []) for text_entry in text_entries: if isinstance(text_entry, dict) and text_entry.get("type") == "link": reply_to_message_id = message.get("reply_to_message_id") link = text_entry.get("text") filtered_messages.append({"reply_to_message_id": reply_to_message_id, "link": link}) return filtered_messages def update_spotify_from_export(messages): links_w_source = [Link(link=row['link'], reply_to_message_id=row['reply_to_message_id']) for row in messages] for l in links_w_source: print(l) spotify_links = [] #yt_links = [] #soundcloud_links = [] #bandcamp = [] #other_links = [] # for i in links_w_source: # if i.source() == MusicSource.SPOTIFY: # spotify_links.append( # elif i.source() == MusicSource.YOUTUBE: # yt_links.append( # elif i.source() == MusicSource.SOUNDCLOUD: # soundcloud_links.append( # elif i.source() == MusicSource.BANDCAMP: # bandcamp.append( # else: # other_links.append( spotify_links = [ for l in filter(lambda x: x.source() == MusicSource.SPOTIFY and x.reply_to_message_id is None, links_w_source)] #print(spotify_links) #print(yt_links) #print(soundcloud_links) #print(bandcamp) #print(other_links) print(f'Spotify tracks: {len(spotify_links)}') # clean playlist itself from spotify links spotify_links = [s for s in spotify_links if not s.startswith('')] # support for links with language codes spotify_links = [s.split("/intl-")[0] + "/track" + s.split("/track")[1] if ("" in s and "track" in s) else s for s in spotify_links] print(sorted(spotify_links)) scope = "playlist-modify-private" os.environ['SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI'] = '' sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(scope=scope)) sp.playlist(SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_ID) # paginated update of spotify playlist for i, sublist in enumerate(_split_seq(spotify_links, 100)): if i==0: sp.playlist_replace_items(SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_ID, sublist) else: sp.playlist_add_items(SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_ID, sublist) if __name__ == '__main__': filtered_messages = extract_all_links("ChatExport_2023-06-28/result.json") update_spotify_from_export(filtered_messages)